Students will be using the Benchmark spelling and word work program. Each week students will study a specific word pattern and have a spelling list to study.
Students have a Pine Grove planner. This will come home every evening and needs to be returned to school each day. Students will be writing important things going on at school, homework assignments, and any reminders. Children are expected to share their planners with their parents and get a parent's signature each day. This is a great means of communication between school and home.
Lunch and Snack
Third grade will have recess at 11:35 AM and lunch at 11:55 AM. If you would like to eat with your child, please arrive at the cafeteria at 11:55 AM. We encourage you to provide your child with a nutritious breakfast each morning, as it helps students to be alert and better able to concentrate. Water bottles with lids that stay on are fine to bring to school and keep in the classroom throughout the week. All water bottles will be taken home on Fridays. Students may also bring one or two healthy snacks (carrots, crackers, apples, etc.) to school.
Your child may bring in a birthday treat to share with their classmates. Please feel free to bring a healthy treat (i.e. fruit, cereal bars, cheese and crackers, etc.), a small party favor for each student (i.e. pencils, stickers, tattoos, etc.), or donate a book to our classroom library.
Pine Grove has a school-wide discipline plan that we will be following that is located in the Pine Grove Student Handbook. We work hard to make good choices in our classroom to respect ourselves, others, and our environment. If at any time you have questions or concerns, we encourage you to email or set up an appointment to meet in person. Thank you for your support and partnership.
We love to have parent volunteers! We appreciate any way you would like to help. Please reach out if you are able to help. Thank you!